What is
On The Record
On The Record music & arts magazine is…
A twin ports arts ecosystem that adapts and evolves with community. Duluth-Superior arts infrastructure. A means to reignite a thriving arts scene.
On The Record is a biweekly publication (micropublication if we’re getting real technical) that can be found in print at 60-odd locations around the twin ports. It features a resolute listing of music, theatre, art, and indie film events in Duluth-Superior. Editor/publisher/author Kristi Olson, aka That Sound Lady, sleuths websites, social media, and poster sites to round up all the arts events happening in Duluth-Superior every 2 weeks at a time.
Each edition also features a variety of arts content including local arts news, new music releases, artist interviews, music history, arts research, resources for artists, comic commentary, and more - written by Kristi Olson, with regular contributing authors: Hannah G, Melolagnia, Swertyman, and Melissa LaTour, and other community contributors.
Meet the editor
Kristi Olson is a music teacher turned audio engineer. She’s that sound lady often at Earth Rider, The Rex in its final year (r.i.p.), and wherever else audio wrangling is needed. She started On The Record in June of 2023 for a few reasons: 1) frustration with how difficult is was to find out what was happening around town on a night off, 2) a grief project honoring her mom who was always creating and supporting arts, and 3) to uplift local artists and the arts community. Every other week she opens up her handy dandy spreadsheets and sleuths for all the shows and arts events on venue websites, instagram feeds, facebook events and groups, postering sites around town... She writes articles on new music releases, arts research, feature arts events, resource topics for artists, and whatever else feels right and fits in each edition.
If you’re looking for more info on Kristi’s sound lady services, head over to www.thatsoundlady.com