Grow with On The Record.

When you sponsor or advertise with On The Record you’re connecting with folks right here in Duluth-Superior - both local and visiting. You’re cultivating a reputation of support for arts and community. Thriving arts nourish the rest of our local commerce and help make the twin ports an awesome place to be. However, it’s hard for the arts to thrive when they’re hard to find.

Grow relationships, in black & white, and help keep this local resource going and growing.


Ad Details

To keep printing affordable and fast, all ad images need to be high contrast black and white, no color.

You can send an ad image way ahead of time and let me know which dates it should run and I’ll list it in the designated issue. At the latest, I need ad images by the Wednesday before the issue you want it in.

DESIGN: Included in the listed cost is basic ad design/formatting. If you provide a clear idea of what you’re going for, we can draft a design. If you have a design already, we’ll format coloring/sizing.
IF YOU’RE LOOKING FOR A MORE COMPLEX DESIGN: Misisipi Mike does some neat work. Let him know it’s for On The Record and he'll know what kind of formatting is needed.

10-EDITION SERIES: Ad images can be the same each edition or you can switch it out. It just needs to be the same size and finalized by the Wednesday before the issue you want it in.

Questions? Ready to get your message to all the resident and visiting arts lovers?

Email Kristi:


Sponsorship Details

Sponsorship is now a little different

As a project of Springboard for the Arts, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit arts service organization, sponsorship is now structured as charitable giving with a thank you and mention in editions and online, rather than a partnership in marketing efforts.

Throwing around these terms - sponsorship and fiscal sponsorship - gets a little confusing: A FISCAL SPONSORSHIP just means that On The Record gets to use Springboard’s nonprofit status to apply for some grants and to enable donations to be tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. A SPONSORSHIP - what you might be considering - is just a donation, usually from a business or corporation. Any acknowledgements beyond a simple thank you or basic logo listing crosses over into promotion - which is advertising, and no longer a charitable gift.

Questions? Feedback on these tiers? Ready to become a sponsor?

Email Kristi:

Ad Sizing Visuals & Samples